God has continuously been molding me over the last four years, in many ways I didn't even know were possible. Specifically while in Peru, I volunteered at an organization called Deporte y Vida, an afterschool program where I would tutor and play with children in the impoverished district of Villa El Salvador. God had me fall in love with these children. At first, I feared my lack of Spanish speaking skills and my safety. However, I soon developed much trust in the Lord, which allowed me in turn have confidence in myself. Besides teaching math, braiding hair, dancing the Macarena, and doing all sorts of crazy fabulously fun games, I learned how important it was to show these children God’s love. I learned that many children would leave the program to go home to abusive parents or siblings. It broke my heart each day to send them home. I experienced God’s anger, righteous anger (Psalm 7:11), an emotion I am not sure I had experienced before as I heard stories and looked at the vacant eyes of innocent children. Once, I returned home, I realized how God had changed my desires of the life I once lived. I had always wanted to graduate, to marry, go to med school, and defeat the many bullies of my middle school years. I soon realized these past desires for my future were not bringing me joy, but rather an idea of fleeting happiness. God was not and is not calling me to any of those things. I am excited that now MY wants and passions have become HIS, those He has called me to- ones to love and serve in South America.