
Saturday, October 26, 2013

busy woman

Hello my lovely readers, I promise I have not forgotten you.

Lesbe honest...

I have not purposefully forgotten you. My mind has been busy with lots of hecticness and leaving places so here is the overview:

Goodbyes to Colorado and the wonderful cross-cultural and language training. Those were phenomenal, but nothing compared to the wonderfully awesome, hillarious, and joyful people that were in my life for four weeks.

Chao chaos to Tennessee and the Orphanos family, the Sullivan family, Braircrest Highschool (and public speaking wheew), and the friends. Thank you for listening to me and for showing me your beautiful passion for justice and orphans.

HELLOS to my crazy awesome family, supporters, and this town full of Southern food. Sweet tea. Here I come.

 PS. I updated the blog. If you like it- boo yah thanks! If you don't like it- that's sad. And you should go jump in a puddle. Maybe it will make you happier. But if you are nice, you can comment about things that I should change. Be nice. I am a bit technologically challenged.

PPS. HUGE shout out to Eric for giving me an iphone :) It was a wonderful surprise and I think it has already saved me many times now. It makes me happy knowing my phone has some intelligence.

Love and lovely fall leaves,

Friday, October 4, 2013

привет ....

I have decided to just show a picture of my journal from the last 2 days of language learning.  

Language learning.  I bet as some of you are reading this, you even cringe just a little (or hey maybe a lot) at those words.  I was right there.  I remember the countless hours both studying or sitting in Spanish class....

tiene           etc. etc. etc.
Grammar.  Memorization.  That was life.  That was how the language would be learned.  Just one Spanish lecture at UNC pretty much slammed my lack of Spanish skill right in my face.  I had absolutely no idea how to speak the crazy language.  Later, I found myself immersed and loving life in Peru-- finally learning how to converse, because it was my means of survival.  However, I still struggle sometimes with words, phrases, particular accents, or just mind burps.  

In one of our classes today our professor said, "Language is a creative production."

"Language is a creative production."
 I actually envision a conductor and then this beautiful symphony of language being heard.  I have never thought language to be creative.  It has always been that super boring, annoying, or frustrating thing at the back of my mind.  Something that I always desire to do well, but never seem able to master or develop.  However, my thoughts on the matter are changing.  I am seeing some amazing techniques to learning---and I have started to actually become curious about language.  

Wonder about language?!???? 

I know.  I used to think the same.  Now, I can see how in just two days, I have been able to retain and speak various phrases in Russian.  A language with an alphabet so strange and foreign to my eyes, I cannot even attempt to describe it.  I sometimes wonder how the training here works....but it just does.  Learning is not just about written memorization.  I now am aware of the possibility to learn new languages.  I have hope as I see the way that my little brain is activated.  I am excited as I learn to lead my own learning and I see the goodness in language.  It is the wonderful ability we have to express and communicate in this world.  Language is almost like a little key helping you to enter into the door of someone's world--so that you can build those wonderful relationships.  It is one of my tools to go out and love like God loves.  Oh, what a crazy, lovely thing. 

How is language learning for YOU??? Leave some comments :D

Пока! (Goodbye in Russian),


Missionaries, mountains, and mafia

I have officially been here at training for a week and a half.  And that seems a little crazy.  So much time, but so little time. There is no way to cover the last few days in a short post, but I will try.  

This past weekend, a friend invited a group of us to visit Mt. Evans.  The car ride began early in the morning, but within what seemed like moments, bright yellow aspens flew by us in every window.  I am honestly surprised we did not drive off the side of the cliff in our amazement at the colors.  Giddiness in the beauty ranged from jumping up and down to evil laughs.  My eyes were entranced with the greens, oranges, reds, and yellows, and the snow-capped mountains  as we climbed up, up, up into the atmosphere.

Mt. Evans.  Snow.  Lakes.  Towering above miles and miles and miles of other mountains and other lands.  It made me feel so small.  In our Growth groups here at training, we have discussed how that is such a wonderful thing- recognizing that we need to realize who we are and how grandiose this world is.  How often do I get stressed, anxious, preocupada, when I get caught up in "my world" rather than remembering I am just a part of "the world"?  I am so thankful He has got this.

The weekend ended with a Sunday night of mafia.  Mafia with missionaries.  There were spouses turning on spouses, debates that lasted minutes, narration at its finest, and laughter that never ever stopped. If I wasn't so focused at trying to prove my innocence every round (apparently getting excited about the game will give everyone a reason claim your guilt for the rest of eternity), I would have just loved to sit and watch.  I cannot explain my love of this simple silliness and togetherness.  The people here are amazing, and it has been so wonderful connecting with people that so easily understand some of your deepest losses, fears, and loves.  

I have oh so much sleep that is needed, and oh so much mafia strategy to plan.  Look out.

Love and blue birds,
