
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Jungle Stories // Eye Monster

I wake up in a zombie like fashion complete with the groaning and slow movement.  I gather all of my school things and struggle to remember how to put socks on correctly.

"" I grumble as I rub my eyes in a stupor and head for the coffee pot.

A little while later, I am in the middle of my English class teaching about family words.  "BABY, SISTER, BROTHER!" we shout as a class.

Suddenly, my eye starts itching uncontrollably.  Three students look up at me and one shouts,

 "Miss Keri! El ojo es rojo! EYE RED!!! Tu eye es big! EYEEEEEE!!!!!"

The bell rings and I sprint to the bathroom.  I look into the mirror and barely recognize myself.

I stare back at a nearly cyclops face with an eye that seems to be on a mission to take over my nose and my other eye.  My sclera has even transformed from its typical cloudy white color.  It is now a  mix between scrumptious tomato and fire engine red.

I try to wash the eye--which is now becoming a size that only Wile E. Coyote has ever experienced.  I run to my cabin knowing this is some allergic reaction.  I throw medicine all over the counter.


I struggle to read the medicine bottle with my one good eye.  "I think this is it," I comment as I propel Benadryl into my mouth and chug a glass of water.

3 hours later, I awake in another zombie like state. The eye no longer itches, and I can actually look into the mirror without scaring myself completely.  No hospital visits today.

"How did this happen?" you might ask.  Upon further investigation, the culprit is a jungle moth.  Yes, you heard me.  The powder from the wings of this crazy creature somehow got on my pillow in the morning, caused my allergic reaction, and made my eye so distorted I scared little children.  Score for jungle critters.

love and monkeys,
jungle lady